by Dittoe PR | Apr 15, 2020 | Media Relations
It’s safe to say that most of our lives have been turned upside-down the last few weeks. Our office is well into our fifth week working from home and it’s definitely been an adjustment. Before COVID-19, we had the option of working from home one day a week that gave...
by Sara Creighton | Mar 16, 2020 | Media Relations
As a startup, you’re probably facing a few challenges like securing funding, attracting top talent, growing your customer base, or scaling your business. There may be a lot you still need and uncertainty about where to spend your budget. But two things are certain:...
by Sarah Cox-Dedrick | Jul 18, 2019 | Media Relations
You’ve made the big plunge! Congrats on your incredible startup adventure. You’re probably thinking, “Now where do I go next?” It’s no secret that starting a new business, no matter how much professional experience you have under your belt, is a challenging endeavor....
by Skylar Whitney | Jul 11, 2019 | Media Relations
So, you’re ready to advertise on social media – congratulations! Now that you have a strong social strategy and content flowing regularly on your page, it’s time to increase the reach of your posts by putting ad dollars behind them. Typically, at Dittoe PR, we build...
by Skylar Whitney | May 16, 2019 | Media Relations, Media Strategy, Social Media, Strategy
I’m guilty. I follow a ton of influencers. I read their microblog captions, like their photos and videos, and check out the products they promote. I’ve even purchased a product, or three, after seeing my favorite influencers post about them. Instagram reached over 1...
by Natalie Weber | May 9, 2019 | Company Culture, Media Relations
WFH. These three letters allow employees to move from the desk-bound constraints of a 9-to-5 office and give them the freedom to work from the comfort of their own home, a coffee shop, a collaborative working space or anywhere in between. In recent years, the option...