Why Startups Should Hire a PR Agency

You’ve made the big plunge! Congrats on your incredible startup adventure. You’re probably thinking, “Now where do I go next?” It’s no secret that starting a new business, no matter how much professional experience you have under your belt, is a challenging endeavor....

If We Pitched Characters from “The Office”

Just like every other Millennial, the employees of Dittoe PR are concerningly obsessed with “The Office” and everything that it perfectly articulates – always managing to generate laughter no matter how many times you’ve seen the episode. It is just that...

Signs a Career in PR Might Be for You

I wasn’t one of those kids who knew exactly what they wanted to do when they grew up. Some kids want to be doctors or veterinarians or teachers from the first time they’re asked that question until they graduate from college with a job lined up. What I wanted to be...