Ali Westergren

PR Manager

Ali can secure media relations opportunities no matter your location or trade vertical. Upstate New York? Check. Healthcare facilities management? Check. Wherever you are, Ali will ensure your target audience learns your name. She has become the unofficial skydiving expert on the Dittoe PR team having worked closely with the Women’s Skydiving Network and United States Parachute Association (USPA). A graduate of Butler University, Ali completed internships at three public relations agencies before starting her Dittoe PR internship and staying on full time.

Industry Articles

Facebook’s New Pages Manager App: A Must-Download for PR Pros

Yesterday, Facebook quietly rolled out a new app that’s specifically designed for those who manage several Pages. The aptly named Pages Manager—which is especially useful for PR guys and girls who likely have their finger on the pulse of multiple Facebook Pages— allows users to more easily post status updates and share photos without having to go through the clunky process required to access Pages in Facebook’s core app.

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