Back-to-School PR Tips and Tricks

Now that college is back in full swing, you could be overwhelmed with a full course load on top of looking for internships or your first job post-graduation. Add the presence of the Delta variant, and beginning or advancing your career in Public Relations might seem...

How to Get Your Brand Started on TikTok

I’m going to assume that, if you’re reading this blog, you are at least somewhat familiar with the social media platform TikTok. If for some reason you aren’t, please go create a profile, spend 30 minutes scrolling the For You page, and then try to tell me it’s not...

PR Agencies vs. In-House PR

“Should I hire a PR agency or just hire someone internally?” This is a question I hear often working on the business development side of things, and it’s one that took me several years of agency experience to fully understand how to answer.  From a company...