Megan Custodio
Senior Vice President and Partner
Megan has spent the past 16+ years with Dittoe PR, following graduation from Indiana University. Since then, she has grown in title (from intern to senior vice president and partner) and responsibilities (including business strategy and growth, client success, employee relations and development, and more). During her time at Dittoe PR, Megan has played a pivotal role in growing the agency’s workforce by 466%, expanding the company’s service offerings, developing and retaining team members, and building a company culture that is second to none. Megan was named a 2022 “Indy’s Best and Brightest” award winner and a PRNEWS “Top Women in PR” honoree.
A mom of three boys, Megan spends her (limited) remaining free time volunteering on the boards for the Humane Society of Hamilton County and More Than a Phone.
Welcome to the New DittoePR.com!
Welcome to the new DittoePR.com! We’re excited our new site features the latest website design best practices, accessibility standards and a comprehensive dive into what — and who — makes us Dittoe PR.
How to Plan a Press Trip
It’s not every day you get to organize an international press trip on behalf of your client. So when Dittoe PR was given the opportunity to travel across the world to Greece for client WhistlePig Whiskey, we jumped on the chance and got to planning.
Remote Leadership: How to Find Success Post-Pandemic
Are you a remote worker or leader? Considering how the transition to a remote work environment could impact your business? Senior Social Media Strategist Skylar Whitney shares four takeaways from her recent professional development endeavors.
12 Tips for Success in Your First PR Gig
You’ve taken classes, you’ve job shadowed, you’ve interned, you’ve graduated, and now you’ve landed your first PR gig. Congrats! Take a look at our blog to see how you can apply all those tactical, technical and soft skills you’ve picked up along the way.
3 Ways to Engage in Meaningful Mentorship
Mentorships come in many forms, from family members and friends to educators and coaches to professional and hobby connections. No matter the form it takes, mentorships allow you to grow personally and professionally. In this blog post, read why Dittoe PR counts “Here We Grow” as one of our values and see three ways to engage in meaningful mentorships.
Public Relations in Times of National Tragedy
Profound tragedy is unfortunately a recurring part of our lives. When we have news to share, it can be a tricky question of what and when you should pitch. As humans, we want to be respectful. As PR professionals, we want to be sensitive to conditions and advise our clients and teams on the best course of action. See some tips on navigating public relations in times of national tragedy.
Phone Camera Hacks for the Best Social Photos
Remember when you had to have a separate camera with you if you wanted to capture the moment? Today’s smartphone cameras blow those old digital cameras of the early 2010s out of the water. If you’re wanting to boost your or your company’s social media visuals, check out these quick tips to produce your best work.
Aligning Internal and External Communications within a Company
As a communications professional, you may find yourself so busy with external media strategies and execution that you forget how those impact a company’s internal strategies. It’s important to effectively communicate external strategies with internal teams so everyone can benefit. In Sarah’s latest blog, she shares why there’s really no downside to being transparent.
Yoga for leadership: 6 ways an ancient practice changed my approach to modern work
What does practicing yoga have to do with leadership? VP of Strategic Initiatives Greta Snell shares that the practice of yoga is more of a holistic philosophy by which to conduct and navigate life from all angles – including how you show up and lead in the workplace. At Dittoe PR, we expect all team to embody servant leadership, and it has been her experience that yoga and mindfulness can teach us how to be benevolent leaders. Learn more in her blog post.
Dittoe PR Receives Award of Honor for Media Relations Campaign
On Wednesday, June 1, Dittoe PR was presented with an Award of Honor by the PRSA Hoosier Chapter during its 2022 Pinnacle Awards Night at the Indiana Historical Society.
Call To Action
Create a department-specific call to action here. For example, Skylar’s would be social media management.