Ali Westergren
PR Manager
Ali can secure media relations opportunities no matter your location or trade vertical. Upstate New York? Check. Healthcare facilities management? Check. Wherever you are, Ali will ensure your target audience learns your name. She has become the unofficial skydiving expert on the Dittoe PR team having worked closely with the Women’s Skydiving Network and United States Parachute Association (USPA). A graduate of Butler University, Ali completed internships at three public relations agencies before starting her Dittoe PR internship and staying on full time.
Industry Articles
What’s New With Facebook, Instagram & Twitter
Some big changes in the top social media apps are headed our way, though some may have already been in the palm of our hand. Check out what’s new from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Three PR Uses for Twitter Lists
One of the most underused social media features by our industry are Twitter lists. Many public relations professionals either don’t know the feature is available or don’t know how it works. Before discussing the best uses for Twitter lists, let’s first touch on...
Four Creative Ways to Research Your Target Audience
When people think of public relations, they often think of the glamorous Samantha Jones-type in “Sex in the City” – but it’s usually much more mundane than that. Don’t get me wrong, we do chat with media on a daily basis, oversee some pretty cool events and travel a...