Just like your thumbprint, your personal identity is totally unique because it’s formed through a lifetime of personal experiences. On social media, your personal brand should reflect your personal identity and authentically showcase the unique value you provide. Like...
Ready to gain real-world knowledge, hands-on experience and deliver client-ready work at a national, award-winning PR agency? Trust us, no coffee runs here! Dittoe Public Relations is hiring public relations and social media interns for Spring 2023, and we want you!...
If you’ve visited our website in the past couple of weeks, you may have noticed it looks a little different. It had been years since Dittoe PR engaged in a website refresher, and this round was a total makeover. We worked with the incomparably talented Glenda White of...
Camera quality has drastically changed since the explosion of social media over 10 years ago. Photos used to be taken with digital or in-app cameras that created a grainy product, but have since transitioned to smartphones and professionally processed photos with...
We know summer just started and the last thing you want to think about is going back to school. But, now is the best time to get a leg up on your peers and lock in a fall internship. Don’t worry, this internship isn’t full of busy work and getting coffee. If you want...