Top Services Clients Seek from Dittoe PR

My husband works in manufacturing, and he’s often met with blank stares when he tells colleagues that I work in PR. He once shared with me that he told a coworker I “tweet for work.” Technically, he’s not wrong. But that is just one aspect of my day-to-day work for...

How to Make the Most of Client Onboarding

When you’re living the agency life, clients are a pretty big part of the deal. As in, the biggest part. Our blog is full of useful content detailing how to get the most coverage for your clients, how to leverage that coverage on and off of social media, and dozens of...

How to Ensure Your Byline Pitch Gets Noticed

Let’s talk about bylines. A pillar of public relations, the epicenter of a great thought leadership campaign, the distinguishing mark of an established brand – okay, I’m being a little dramatic, but it’s true – bylines are a great way to make your client stand out...