How to Be Proactive With PR: Creating Coverage Out of Thin Air

by | Jul 26, 2018 | Client Coverage, Communication, Media Relations, Public Relations

Public relations professionals thrive during times of client chaos. From product launches and grand openings to initiative and campaign announcements, we basically drool at any opportunity to secure media interest. However, it’s when things calm down that our talents are put to the test.


When a lull in client announcements arise, securing coverage can seem near impossible and simply waiting around is never an option. Therefore, our roles require strategic thinking and proactive execution that continues the momentum of telling our clients’ stories.


Here are three ways you can take a proactive approach to public relations in order to keep brands in the news:


Mark your calendar.

When you’re in proactive PR mode, it’s important to not neglect the basics. Classic strategies can prove wildly successful, that’s why creating a content calendar is the first step toward a proactive approach. Housing all your client’s upcoming product releases, events, and initiatives, as well as any known opportunities to tell their story, will allow you to strategically plan out each PR move in advance.


Take it a step further by incorporating any holidays or events into your calendar that align with your client’s messaging. For instance, leveraging national holidays and foodie days between announcements can help garner media coverage for clients while presenting the opportunity to tease any upcoming announcements.


Stay trendy.

Often times we get so caught up in our ongoing strategies that we forget to look at the bigger picture. Instead of simply focusing on your client and its direct market, try consistently tuning into what people are talking about worldwide to help keep a pulse on any trends that may present opportunities.


The key to capitalizing on a trend is to get on board while the conversation is just picking up. Wait too long, and your brand will be left behind while the trend takes off—without you.


Look back at it.

Anticipating future trends is an effective proactive PR approach, but another great way to create media opportunities when things seem slow is to look back at coverage from the previous year. The media industry is rather habitual, with many outlets following a very similar editorial calendar each year. Review past coverage and get creative to give your client a competitive edge on these seasonal topics.


The cheer says it best: B-E AGGRESSIVE. The best way to secure coverage is to go after the opportunities they want, as well as the opportunities they may know exist. By implementing these proactive PR approaches and mastering the basics, your agency will help drive the conversation and maintain a steady stream of client coverage.


Interested in a proactive PR strategy? Contact Lauryn Gray at 


 to explore what Dittoe PR could do for you.

Dittoe PR

Dittoe PR is a nationally recognized public relations and social media management agency.

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