Most of us at Dittoe PR know that a good portion of our blog traffic comes from students and recent grads interested in a future position at either our firm or a public relations firm like ours. We know that and we like it, because, well, we’re great at what we do.
You may remember me from my previous post about my role as an intern at Dittoe PR. Recently, I have been promoted to Junior Account Executive. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Based on things that I have learned, I have created some guidelines for current interns on how to move up in the agency world.
- Communicate. With your supervisors, other interns, heck, even the FedEx guy. While it is sometimes important to voice your opinion, it is even more important to know what is being asked of you. That leads me to my next tip…
- Ask questions. I think I ask more questions now than I ever did as an intern, but that’s okay.
It allows me to gain a better understanding of what we are doing to help our clients.
- Come prepared. Take a pen and notebook to every meeting that you attend. The meeting may not seem relevant to you at the time, but a senior member may be relying on you to take great notes – so pay attention!
- Expect long hours. The PR industry is not a strictly 9 to 5 job. Sometimes you will have to take your work home with you.
- Be flexible. Be ready to move your schedule around based on the client’s needs. Some days that might mean breakfast, lunch and dinner at your desk, but it really shows your commitment to your client and your team.
- Take the initiative. Show your supervisors that you are ready to take on more by always going one step further than what is asked of you.
- Don’t be afraid to show your personality. While it is important to keep your head down and focus on your work, don’t be afraid to show your co-workers that you’re clever, fun and smart, too!
You aren’t guaranteed a job just by following these guidelines, but they will help you make a great impression. If your internship doesn’t turn into the job of your dreams, don’t panic. But, if it does – you can thank me later!